Taylor Swift Announces New Album and Single - JOLADEFASHBLOG

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Taylor Swift Announces New Album and Single

Today has been a whirlwind day for fans of Taylor Swift!

As previously reported, the songstress wiped her social media accounts clean of all posts, and began to post cryptic videos of what seemed to be a snake.
Well, we were right. Earlier today, she posted the final video which made up the head of the snake. As if that wasn't enough, she announced her new album and single.
The album, out November 10, is titled Reputation. And, while she didn't reveal the title of the new single, she did reveal that the first song off the album will be released on Friday, August 25-- midnight of Thursday-- as speculated.
Joseph Khan, Taylor's music video director/friend, followed up with an interesting tweet:
We all can't wait to hear what the famous songstress has to say!
The cover art, as well as album name, is an ode to the many ways the media have portrayed her and her personality. This further adds meaning to the snake videos she posted, as a result of her 2016 feud with Kanye and Kim-Kardashian West, in which she was labelled a snake.
Congratulations, Taylor! We can't wait!
Taylor Swift Announces New Album and Single Taylor Swift Announces New Album and Single Reviewed by Jason Lipshutz on 10:25 Rating: 5

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