Interview with Chizzy - JOLADEFASHBLOG

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Interview with Chizzy

Jolade Fashakin: Can you tell us how you started out as a singer?                      
Chizzy: I've always been a singer but then when you say singer, officially I started singing some years back , specifically 5 years back . My career kicked off when i performed in a show where iyanya performed too , he gave me inspiration and I took singing up as a career
Jolade Fashakin: How exactly did Iyanya inspire you?
Chizzy: Well he inspired the name chizzy, and other details I can't disclose
Jolade Fashakin: How'd your parents react when you said you wanted to start singing?
Chizzy: You know parents. They obviously don't like the idea, but now they're used to it                              
Jolade Fashakin: Are they very supportive of it now?
Chizzy: Yeah sure based on some levels
Jolade Fashakin: What was behind your new song time talk
Chizzy: Time talks is just about me telling my fans, haters to wait for my time
Jolade Fashakin: Your time to pop?
Chizzy: Yeah exactly
Jolade Fashakin: These days everybody wants to pop but are you sure you can give your listeners what they want?
Chizzy: Lol giving them what they want is being who I am
Jolade Fashakin: What should we expect from you this year?
Chizzy: I've an upcoming project a massive one. I'm under new management now so expect the best from me this year
Jolade Fashakin: Final words for the readers?
Chizzy: Don't sleep on good music.
Interview with Chizzy Interview with Chizzy Reviewed by Unknown on 12:01 Rating: 5

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