Interview with Nigerian singer Runnjozzy - JOLADEFASHBLOG

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Interview with Nigerian singer Runnjozzy


Jolade Fashakin: How did you start out as a singer?                      
Runjozzy: The first day I got to the studio.                      
Jolade Fashakin: Did you want to be a singer or it just happened the first time you got into a studio?                      
 Runnjozzy: I always wanted to be a rapper                  
Jolade Fashakin: Are your parents in support of it?                      
Runnjozzy: They aren’t really in support but they know about it .                     
Jolade Fashakin: So apparently you're still doing this without their support?                      
 Runnjozzy: Yes of course.                      
Jolade Fashakin What made you come up with your stage name Runjozzy, was it a nickname or what?                      
 Runnjozzy: It was a nickname. I came up with Lil Jozzy at first with time, I had to think of something different & catchy so I removed the Lil for Runn .
Jolade Fashakin: So many upcoming rappers these days, do you think your music is better than the kind of music they give?                      
Runnjozzy: There really are a lot but I feel what I give is better.                                               
Jolade Fashakin: Your new single shaye what is behind it?                      
Runnjozzy: It's one of my favorite song ever . That I really worked on than others                      
Jolade Fashakin: Do you feel your hard work paid off?                       
Jolade Fashakin: Have your fans gotten the best out of your song?                      
Runnjozzy: Yes I can see improvement.                      
Runnjozzy: I don't think so but Shayé is one of their best for now. But they're expecting something more better than Shayé                      
Jolade Fashakin: And when should they expect this track                       
Runnjozzy: December                      
Jolade Fashakin: Is there anything you'd like to say to the runnjozzy fans?                      
Runnjozzy: ItsYourBoyRunnjozzy shoutout to each & everyone of you out there supporting the brand Runnjozzy. Keep supporting and showing love to the boy & i promise to give y'all good music. One love.

Interview with Nigerian singer Runnjozzy Interview with Nigerian singer Runnjozzy Reviewed by Unknown on 11:27 Rating: 5

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